Okładka i tytuł debiutanckiego dzieła niejakiego Simona AA Kölle, ukrywającego się pod szyldem Musterion, nieco skojarzyła mi się wydawnictwami ‚nowonarodzonych ambientowców‘ w stylu Elend, Mortiis czy Akhenaton. W końcu w „Mrocznych Lożach“ pojawiają się kościotrupy, stare lalki… Brakuje mi jeszcze tylko średniowiecznego smoka. Nic bardziej mylnego. Musterion to po grecku tajemnica. I to słowo dobrze pasuje...
Read MoreA review from Spirit of Metal Webzine (February 19, 2007)
Musterion is made up by Simon AA Kölle of Sweden. He is known from before for his efforts in the band Za Frûmi. The Black Lodge is really one in a kind! I must say that I never really get scared in films. Horror never does anything for me…In fact it usually ends up being funny. However, I can say that the only time in my life that I have ever been scared while watching a film happened when I was a kid. When I listened to Musterion...
Read MoreA review from Gothtronic (September, 2006)
Imagine being locked inside the black lodge … „A place of murder, dreams, mystery, darkness, ancient machines, old memories and horror“ … Yes, you will feel yourself captured in the dreamworld of literary giants as H. P. Lovecraft and William S. Burroughs as well as visual visionaries like David Lynch. Musterion is Simon AA Kölle, partner of Simon Heath in the project Za Frûmi. As for now reasonably unknown names,...
Read MoreA review from Black Magazin (January, 2006)
Mit sehr dunklen und warmen akustischen Klängen beginnt dieses mysteriöse Opus, doch schon bald versinkt jede Anspielung in Richtung Neoklassik oder gar Neofolk in zumeist synthetischen und doch auch organisch klingenden Sphären. Fast alle Passagen auf diesem Album sind sehr finster, sobald man die schwarze Hütte betreten hat, geht es immer tiefer ins Dunkle hinein. Stillere, gruselige Soundcollagen werden hier stellenweise mit krachigen...
Read MoreA review from Maelstrom Zine (April, 2006)
It’s a fact: dark ambient and doom bands love H. P. Lovecraft. He’s certainly THE writer to draw inspiration from when writing an album in that genre. Musterion is one of the few bands to really achieve making that influence come out in the sound without making it stupidly obvious or cheesy, as opposed to the millions of bands using it as a marketing stunt. Variety is the keyword for The Black Lodge. It incorporates elements...
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