Coph`antae Tryr: Research Chronicles 2007-2009 2CD, HCD 12, HORUS CyclicDaemon, 2011 Distribuce: HORUS CyclicDaemon * K hudbě, která je zachycena na 2CD Coph´ Antae Tryr, lze přistoupit různými způsoby – po formální stránce se jedná, jak bývá u českého vydavatelství HORUS CyclicDaemon jediným zvykem, opět o skvostné dílo v podobě osmipanelového digipacku vypravené s velkou péčí a smyslem pro nejmenší detail. Cover designu se ujal...
Read MoreA review from Wounds of the Earth (Issue 1, Winter 2012)
Basics: Research Chronicles 2007-2009 is a collection of 4 albums worth of older material written by Coph’antae Tryr published on 2 discs. If you are familiar with his work, likely from the Kalpamantra compilations or perhaps our own Eridanus Supervoid compilation, than you will know what you’re in for. He creates gorgeous, densely textured, repetitive, dark, droning music. Even though these tracks are from somewhat different time periods,...
Read MoreA review from Black Magazin (December 7, 2011)
Ein starkes Stück. Gleich vier Alben des russischen Drone-Künstlers COPH´ANTAE TRYR vereint das tschechische Label HORUS CyclicDaemon auf der hier vorliegenden Doppel-CD “Research Chronicles 2007-2009“. 154 Minuten und 46 Sekunden Musik, verpackt in einem edlen Rauhkarton. Das Design folgt dem Credo schlicht ist Trumpf, was den verschiedenen Aquarell-Motiven genug Raum lässt, um ihre volle Wirkung zu entfalten. Auf die einzelnen Alben...
Read MoreA review from Heathen Harvest (November 13, 2011)
Coph’antae Tryr is the project of Russian-born sound artist Guram Torua, who hails from the city of Kaliningrad in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad Oblast. Positioned on the Baltic Sea and cut off from its mainland by Lithuania to its North and East, as well as Poland to its South, this area is rich in history, having survived German occupation through the late 1800′s / early 1900′s as East Prussia up until its split into Poland and the...
Read MoreCoph’antae Tryr: Research Chronicles 2007-2009 (2CD)
A superb collection of 4 albums (!) from the protagonist of New Drone Music Generation was released on 11/09/11. The Russian project Coph’antae Tryr presents its 2CD incl. 4 albums by this Ambient / Experimental drone sculpturist. Coph`antae Tryr is a way of an enlightenment and clearing by injections of medical enzymes in subconsciousness to study and learn other, undercover, dark corners of a universe and places where it is simply...
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