Labora °: David Bowie, Carl G. Jung a nevědomí Čvn14


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Labora °: David Bowie, Carl G. Jung a nevědomí

5099930674554_1300x1300_300dpiDoporučení na článek od Tanji Stark: Crashing Out with Sylvian: David Bowie, Carl Jung and the Unconscious.

Jung advised patients with disturbing dreams and visions to express them in “beautifully bound journals” to help process their experience and free them from their power, suggesting:

It is of great help …to express their peculiar contents either in the form of writing or of drawing and painting. There are so many incomprehensible intuitions in such cases, phantasy fragments that rise from the unconscious, for which there is almost no suitable language. I let my patients find their own symbolic expressions, their ‘mythology.
(Jung 2009: 216)

This essay also appears in David Bowie: Critical Perspectives edited by Eoin Devereaux, Aileen Dillane and Martin J. Power, Routledge Press 2015,  drawn from presentations at the International Symposium “Strange Fascinations” by the Popular Music and Popular Culture Dept of University of Limerick in 2012.