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Maelstrom Zine
"Variety is the keyword for The Black Lodge. It incorporates elements from darkwave, dark ambient, neo-folk and minimalistic electronica. The result is a big, fat bag of awesomeness." "...8,95/10".
Read the complete review here...

Musical Zone
"The best and most surprising album so far 2006! Musterion "The Black Lodge" 5/5"
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Heathen Harvest
"I highly encourage dark ambient fans that like music that reaches beyond standard drone music to check out Musterion as well. Anyone with a fetish for H. P. Lovecraft or other dark occult inspired narratives is also encouraged to discover Musterion. Musterion is an invitation to close your eyes and be led into a world of shifting shadows, intrigue, and horror."
Read the complete review here...

"Musterion covers all territories and created an album which is the becoming of flesh of a horrible nightmare; Where at one moment you are confronted with death, and the very next moment you're playing chess with a monkey". "...8/10"
Read the complete review here...

"Ainsi, The Black Lodge nous propose un terrible voyage dans un univers aux paysages éclectiques et surréalistes. L'album se présente un peu comme une nouvelle de Lovecraft ou de Poe, on retrouve ainsi toute l'obscurité, le mysticisme et les mystères qui entourent ces contes horrifiques."
Read the complete review here... (in French)

"Stillere, gruselige Soundcollagen werden hier stellenweise mit krachigen Elementen gepaart, vielleicht könnte man sagen: EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN go dark ritual (selbst wenn das paradox kling)"
Read the complete review here... (in German)

Chain D.L.K.
"Also the tracks that are mostly based on sound samples are really convincing because they always have a sound or a sample that help into the creation of the atmosphere. In my opinion you should try it..." "...4,5/5"
Read the complete review here...

"Thus, the listening of The Black Lodge album is not, indeed, an ordinary audience matter. You find yourself during this session behind the horizon of everyday’s tumult – on the border-line of ordinarily perceived real dispositions, on the periphery of dreamy and magickal visions close to movies of David Lynch."
Read the complete review here...

"Das ganze Werk wirkt wie in einem Traum oder einer Halluzination gehört."
Read the complete review here...

Evolution of media
"Musterion, in the beat tradition, has recorded a stream of consciousness, and challenges the listener to open the mind and follow along in the journey."
Read the complete review here...

Quotes from compilation reviews that Musterion participated:

"Absolute highpoint of the first disk is - entirely clear - for me Musterion with the Track "The Silver Mirrors Of Your Eyes" that literary very strongly touched me above all."
- Thomas Wacker - Black Magasine (Germany)

"The final and 12th song on cd 1 is created by Simon AA Kölle of Musterion. It wraps up the cd perfectly! It´s very good darkwave with piano and dark sounds. Jack or Jive, Abnocto, Hexentanz and Musterion make this cd 4/5."
- David Purdie - Musical Zone issue 53 (Japan)

"Disc one is finished by a great atmospheric ambient piece with classical elements and interesting spoken text by Musterion, another project of Simon Kölle."
- Hans D - Funprox December 2004 (Holland/world)

"Track 6 is Musterion with "Unknown Kadath (remix)". This is a very dark and beautiful song. Ofcourse i think of HP Lovecraft. Musterion is the solo project of Simon Kolle and he mix togheter dark sounds with music in a very good way. I can´t wait to hear the debut cd of Musterion which will be released on HORUS CyclicDaemon (read more about the label in issue 46) later this year." "Musterion get 5/5"
- Musical Zone issue 63

"The first CD (“Songs”) includes thirteen widely varied tracks. None of them are uninteresting, but particular highpoints include the following. First up is Hexentanz with “Oh, Blessed Beast”..."..."Next is Musterion with “Baphomet: The Magus, The Fool (FO-Hi), The Voyager”. Gloomy sound effects – footsteps, wind, breaking glass – give way to distant pure singing. A choir and, if I’m not mistaken, a madrigal develop a fragile folk piece, before the reintroduction of sound effects: ship’s bells, clanging chains and, far away, Crowley chanting in Enochian."..."Score - 5/5"
- - Home of the Aleister Crowley Society