Nu Faces in ElectroniCulture®

The Nu Faces in ElectroniCulture® project shall open new possibilities for young & unknown sonic artists who dedicate all their effort to our Great Goddess...
Releases are strictly ltd. 3" CD digi-packs.

The unveiling of the company of heaven.
Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus.
And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body.
- Aleister Crowley: Liber AL vel Legis

HORUS CyclicDaemon      


HCD NFIEC 01 (2003)

Hamlet Now

I’m Hamlet now. Freezes blood,
When the perfidy waves laces,
While love is first - and lives in heart
For her – the one in times and spaces.

Ophelia, my dear friend,
You got away by cold fierce,
And, Prince, I’m dying in my land,
With poisoned swords in fighting pierced.

- Alexandr Blok, I'm Hamlet Now...

"The Hamlet who dies at the end is a very different man from the one we see, isolated in black, in the opening scenes of the play. You might argue that he is a lesser man; I didn't concern myself with that. What is unarguable, I think, is that he is a different one. The traumatic events he has gone through have effected a violent change."

Hamlet Now
Some lessons from Derek Jacobi
by Sally Beauman
The Dial, November 1980.

This music was the part of visual & dance performance
held for the first time in the Theatre On The Rope in Brno, Czech Republic.

First release.

Ltd. edition of 200 copies.

To be released in December 2003.

Wholesale price:
6 Euro + postage.
6 USD + postage (4 USD overseas per one item).

Retail price:
10 Euro + postage (4 Euro per one item).
10 USD + postage (4 USD overseas per one item).

Pre-payments or wire, please.






e-mail HORUS CyclicDaemon

We answer all emails and phone calls where possible.
If you can not get through, please leave a message and we will get right back to you.
We are always happy to discuss products, music licensing, soundtrack... anything you like.

We aim for 24 hour feedback.






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Updated ~ 15/07/2003